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Health & Safety

Immunizations and Health Forms

California law dictates that all students entering kindergarten must be properly immunized unless they have a medical exemption. Personal exemptions are not accepted. If you have an incoming kindergarten student, please be sure to have your child’s up-to-date immunization records as well as the completed Report of Health Exam for School Entry when you register in August (forms are linked below). In addition, California law says that all students must be seen by a dentist no later than May 31 of their first year in school. The dentist completes an Oral Health Assessment Form, and parents must bring a copy of that to school. In addition, students who need to take medication during the school day (over-the-counter or prescription) must have an Authorization for Medication Assistance form completed by their physician, and we need it on file in the office. Medications are kept in a locked cabinet. All three of these forms are available below.

Report of Health Exam for School Entry

Oral Health Assessment Form


School Nurse

Crocker Highlands, like all OUSD schools, has a part-time nurse. Primarily this professional supports families with medical plans, making sure we have correct paperwork for medications at school, vision and hearing screenings, and training staff on first aid and some common health conditions. If a child needs regular support (i.e., a diabetic student who needs insulin), a nurse will be available to provide that.


Crocker Highlands Elementary is not a nut-free school. However, specific classrooms are designated as nut-free zones if families have notified the classroom teacher and office staff that their child has a documented allergy to peanuts and/or other tree nuts. Students are never allowed to share food during lunch or any other part of the school day.