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Crocker Highlands has a longstanding history of excellence, woven into the rich legacy of Oakland. The school remains one of the top-performing elementary schools in the District [and the State]. Our community is the backbone of our school and every year we look to you – parents, family, educators, administrators, etc. – to stand in support of our children. We need your help.

The Crocker PTA pays for many of the programs deemed critical for the education and enrichment of students’ experience. With each passing year, the burden to fund essential programs falls increasingly on the PTA as the District and State fail to fully resource these programs. Our PTA pays for aides, vocal music, physical education, library, computer instruction, supplemental math and reading, yard supervision and much, much more. The funds for these outstanding enrichment and academic programs come from you, our community, and are critical in maintaining the quality of education we want for our children.

There are various ways we can support Crocker, including financial support. While we understand resources are scarce and needs are abundant, we hope that each family will make a meaningful contribution sometime throughout the school year. We understand our community is a diverse one – and we encourage you to define “meaningful contribution” in the context of your own family circumstances, resources, and comfort level. What matters most to us is that we do this together.

Throughout the year you will hear more from us about our event-based fundraisers and ways for you to get involved. If you are ready to give now, please visit our Annual Giving page or feel free to email us directly.

Please also consider checking that if you company matches gifts. Donations to Crocker PTA are tax-deductible.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at

Thank you for your support!

VPs of Fundraising,

Justin Fox & Miriam Hernandez Dimml

Crocker PTA Federal Tax ID/EIN: 94-6171881

“Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.” – Horace Mann